Frequency response analysis

Qualitative measure of a system or device in response to a stimulus used to characterize the dynamics of a system. Dynamic characterization of the transfer function response of the composition in frequency domain.

Axis positions

Define the position of the axis. Default is (0,0,0).


Open the load case container, where load cases can be defined (CTRL+K on load case to configure).

Configure selected load

Define and configure the load case here.


Define the direction of the force/moment. By entering 1 in a corresponding direction means that a force/moment is applied in this direction scaled by 1.

Direction Force/Moment
u Force in axial direction
v Force in transversal direction
w Force in normal direction
ru Torque around axial direction
rv Moment around transversal direction
rw Moment around normal direction

Add component acceleration

Add a component acceleration load case. For example, an acceleration of -9,81 m/s2 in w-direction defines the gravitational force to the selected component.

Add composition acceleration

Add a composition acceleration. The acceleration is used for the whole composition and not for a component only, as in add component acceleration. For example, an acceleration of -9,81 m/s2 in w-direction defines the gravitational force to the composition.


By right-clicking on the number in the first column, the load can be deleted.

Frequency range

Define the frequency range for the frequency response analysis.

Number of points

The number of points defines how many steps between the minimal and maximal frequency are taken.

Start calculation

Start the calculation of the frequency response analysis.