************** Tabular viewer ************** Shows the simulation results in the form of a table. ==== Name ==== Shows the name of the viewer. ========= Load case ========= Select the load case that should be evaluated. ================ Evaluation index ================ Select the mode that should be evaluated. ================ Number of points ================ Define the number of points where the profile deformation should be evaluated. ======= Outputs ======= Select the output links that should be displayed. ------------------------- Configure selected output ------------------------- Configure the selected output. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Output type ^^^^^^^^^^^ Select the type of the output. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Selected entity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Select the link that should be displayed. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Selected DOF ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Select the degree of freedom that should be displayed. ^^^^^^^ Scaling ^^^^^^^ Scale the outputs. ^^^^^ Label ^^^^^ Define a specific label to the output. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Line configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Change the color, line style and line width of the line in the figure. ---------- Add output ---------- Add an output to the result output container. ============== Export outputs ============== Export the outputs to a matlab readable .mat file. ============ Context menu ============ --------- Duplicate --------- Duplicate the viewer. ------ Delete ------ Delete the viewer. ------------ Move up/down ------------ Move the viewer up or down in the evaluation.