Write / Build Documentation

MORe documentation is written with Sphinx, a tool which was designed for the documentation of Python projects.

Write Documentation Content

The documentation source files (.rst) are placed in the doc directory of the master branch. They are written with the markup language reStructuredText. The main file is index.rst, which includes all other files. Project details, such as the version, release, etc., are configured in the conf.py file.

Build the Documentation

The html files are to be placed in a separate branch named gh-pages. The static html content of this branch is automatically displayed at http://spescha.github.io/MORe. See Publishing sphinx-generated docs on github for more details.

To build the documentation, the easiest way is to call the sphinx-build <source_dir> <target_dir> from the command line, whereas <source_dir> is the doc directory and <target_dir> is the path to your gh-pages copy.